[ultimate_heading main_heading=”Lightyear Marketing Group: Marketing Process” main_heading_color=”#017cb8″ main_heading_font_size=”desktop:40px;” main_heading_margin=”margin-top:30px;margin-bottom:30px;”][/ultimate_heading]
1. Analysis of your sales process
a. Outbound sales
b. Inbound Sales
c. Referral Marketing
d. Sales Materials
e. Discuss successes and failures
2. Analysis of your current marketing plan
a. Website
i. Analyze Design Responsiveness (viewable on mobile devices?)
ii. Review site structure, layout, and functionality in relation to purpose of site.
iii. Review site graphic design (colors, images, graphics) in relation to purpose of site.
iv. Review site Title(s), Description(s), and Keyword Tags
b. Media
i. Analyze overall marketing spend on : TV, Cable, Radio, Outdoor (Billboards, Benches, etc), Print (newspapers, Yellow Pages) and Direct Mail (mailers, coupons, inserts)
c. Internet
i. Search Engine Optimization
ii. Pay Per Click
iii. Digital Marketing (online banners)
iv. Social Media
v. Content Marketing
d. KPI/Metrics Review
e. Discuss successes and failures
3. Suggest Changes for Website
4. Suggest Ideas, Strategies, and Tactics for Media and Internet Marketing Plans
a. Suggest optimal Media placement
b. Recommend Internet Marketing tactics
c. Demonstrate ways to ensure integration of Media and Internet Marketing tactics.
5. Work with you to create a Strategic Marketing Plan (If no previous marketing plan exists)
a. Develop Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) and metrics for evaluating the success of the marketing plan
6. Implement Strategic Marketing Plan
a. Analyze KPI’s and Metrics on a semi-weekly, monthly, or quarterly basis (depending upon the medium)
b. Analyze overall strategy on a semi-annual basis
c. Make adjustments to marketing tactics and/or strategy as necessary
d. Repeat step 6